Advanced Skateboard Tricks [A Total Guide]

Advanced Skateboard Tricks [A Total Guide]

There are a few skateboard tricks - the most advanced skateboard tricks - that stand above the rest in terms of difficulty. These are the ones that require immense skill and precision to execute properly, and even then may only be possible for the most talented skateboarders.

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10 advanced skateboard tricks

There are plenty of skateboard tricks out there that look impossible to the untrained eye. But with a little practice (and a lot of courage), even the most challenging skateboard tricks can be mastered.

Here are 10 of the most advanced skateboard tricks, along with detailed instructions on how to pull them off:

1. Ollie 540

The Ollie 540 is a variation on the classic Ollie trick, in which the skater pops the board into the air and then immediately spins it around 540 degrees. To land this tricky move, you'll need to have impeccable timing and balance.

2. Frontside Noseblunt Slide

A frontside noseblunt slide is exactly what it sounds like: you slide down a handrail or other surface nose-first, with the front of your board perpendicular to the direction of travel. This move is notoriously difficult to land, and even experienced skaters crash often.

3. FS 180 Ollie

The FS 180 Ollie is another variation on the classic Ollie trick. In this move, the skater pops the board into the air and then spins it around 180 degrees before landing back on the deck. Like the regular Ollie, timing and balance are key to pulling off this move successfully.

4. Smith Grind

A Smith grind is a variation on the classic 50-50 grind, in which the skater grinds on a rail or other surface with both trucks (the front and back axle assemblies of the skateboard). To do a Smith grind, the skater must approach the rail at an angle, so that only one truck makes contact with the surface.

5. Crooked Grind

A crooked grind is similar to a Smith grind, except that the skater approaches the rail at a 90-degree angle, rather than at an angle. This move is extremely difficult to execute properly, and even experienced skaters often bail out halfway through.

6. Feeble Grind

A feeble grind is similar to a 50-50 grind, except that the skater ollies (jumps) onto the rail or other surface before grinding. This move is very difficult, so don’t be surprised if you fail.

7. Frontside Air

A frontside air is a variation on the classic Ollie trick, in which the skater pops the board into the air and then spins it around 180 degrees before landing back on the deck. Like the regular Ollie, timing and balance are key to pulling off this move successfully.

8. Backside Air

A backside air is similar to a frontside air, except that the skater spins the board around 360 degrees before landing back on the deck. This move is extremely difficult to land, and even experienced skaters bail frequently.

9. Noseblunt Slide

A noseblunt slide is exactly what it sounds like: you slide down a handrail or other surface nose-first, with the front of your board perpendicular to the direction of travel. This is another terribly difficult manuever, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t nail it right away.

10. Frontside Air to Fakie

A frontside air to fakie is a variation on the classic Ollie trick, in which the skater pops the board into the air and then spins it around 180 degrees before landing back on the deck. However, instead of landing in the same stance that they took off in, skaters who execute this move land in their "fakie" stance (backwards).

While these 10 skateboard tricks are some of the hardest out there, don't be discouraged if you can't seem to land them perfectly on your first try. With a little practice (and a lot of courage), even the most challenging skateboard tricks can be mastered.

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Is the 900 the hardest skateboard trick?

The 900 is a highly technical skateboarding trick that requires a great deal of skill and precision to execute properly. Many professional skateboarders consider the 900 to be the hardest skateboarding trick, due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to land successfully. only a handful of skateboarders have been able to land the 900 consistently, and even fewer have been able to do so in competition. There is no doubt that the 900 is a challenging trick, but with practice and determination, it is possible for anyone to learn how to do it. With proper technique and execution, the 900 can be an incredibly rewarding and impressive skateboarding trick.

What is the coolest trick in skateboarding?

The coolest trick in skateboarding is the 360 flip. The 360 flip is a very difficult trick to execute, but when done correctly, it looks absolutely amazing. This trick requires the skater to approach the ramp or obstacle with a lot of speed, then jump into the air and spin around three times before landing on the ramp or obstacle. Many professional skaters can do this trick, but it takes a lot of practice and precision to perfect it.

Are dolphin flips hard?

Dolphin flips are a difficult skateboarding move to master. They require a lot of practice and coordination to execute properly. The key to performing a successful dolphin flip is to keep your balance and maintain your momentum while you're flipping. It's also important to land correctly on your board after the flip so you don't lose your balance and fall off. Keep practicing and dolphin flips will become easier and more fun.

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What is the most difficult skateboard trick?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual skater's level of ability and what they personally find difficult. However, some commonly cited examples of difficult skateboard tricks include the 360 flip, 540 kickflip and 900 spin. Skaters who are just starting out may find basic grinds and lip tricks difficult, while those with more experience may struggle with more advanced flips and rotations. Ultimately, it is up to the skater to decide what trick they find most difficult - there is no right or wrong answer.

How hard is a laser flip?

Laser flips are one of the hardest skateboarding tricks to perform. They require a lot of coordination and balance, and even the slightest mistake can send you flying off your board. If you're thinking about trying a laser flip, make sure you're prepared to put in the practice time required to perfect this tricky move.

What tricks should I start with?

If you're new to skateboarding, there are a few tricks you should start with. These tricks will help you get comfortable on your board and learn the basic principles of skateboarding.

The first trick you should learn is the ollie. The ollie is a very versatile trick that can be used to perform a variety of other tricks. To do an ollie, place your back foot on the tail of the board and your front foot just behind the front trucks. Bend your knees and jump into the air, using your back foot to push off of the tail. As you jump, flick your wrists so that the board pops into the air. You can then catch the board with your feet and ride it away.

Another trick you should learn is the kickflip. The kickflip is a popular trick that looks impressive and is relatively easy to learn. To do a kickflip, place your front foot near the front of the board and your back foot near the middle. Bend your knees and jump into the air, using your back foot to push off of the tail. As you jump, flick your wrists so that the board flips end over end. Catch the board with your feet as it comes back down to the ground.

Finally, you should learn how to do a manual. A manual is a great way to get more control of your skateboard and look good doing it. To do a manual, place your front foot near the front of the board and your back foot near the middle. Bend your knees and jump into the air, using your back foot to push off of the tail. As you jump, flick your wrists so that the board pops into the air. You can then catch the board with your feet and ride it away.

Learning these basic tricks will give you a good foundation to build upon as you continue learning more complex skateboarding tricks. Practice these tricks until you feel comfortable performing them, then move on to more advanced tricks. With time and practice, you'll be pulling off impressive skateboarding tricks in no time.

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How long does it take to become a good skateboarder?

This is a difficult question to answer, as it depends on a number of factors such as natural ability, practice and dedication. However, if you are willing to put in the hard work, you can become a good skateboarder in a relatively short period of time.

If you have never skateboarded before, then you will need to learn the basics before you can start doing tricks. This can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Once you have mastered the basics, you can start practicing tricks. The more time you spend practicing, the better you will become at them.

As with anything else, becoming good at skateboarding takes practice and dedication. However, if you are willing to put in the hard work, you can become a good skateboarder in a relatively short period of time.

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Pros and Cons of Skateboarding Tricks

There are many reasons why skateboarding tricks can be beneficial or harmful to a skater. On one hand, tricks can help a skater improve their skills and techniques. On the other hand, tricks can also lead to serious injury if not performed correctly. Here are some of the pros and cons of skateboarding tricks:


1. Tricks can help a skater improve their skills and technique.

2. Tricks can make skateboarding more exciting and fun.

3. Tricks can give a skater a sense of accomplishment when they land them successfully.

4. Tricks can help a skater stand out from other skateboarders.

5. Tricks can help a skater progress to more difficult tricks.


1. Tricks can be very dangerous and lead to serious injury if not performed correctly.

2. Tricks can be frustrating and discouraging if a skater is not able to land them successfully.

3. Tricks can take a lot of time and practice to master.

4. Tricks can be expensive to learn, especially if private lessons are required.

5. Tricks can be dangerous to other people nearby if they go wrong.

In conclusion, there are both pros and cons to skateboarding tricks. It is important to weigh these factors carefully before deciding whether or not to attempt any tricks. If you do decide to try tricks, be sure to practice them safely and under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

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What is an impossible trick on a skateboard?

An impossible trick on a skateboard is a move that appears to defy the laws of physics. It is a skateboarding trick that looks like it should be impossible to do, but somehow the skater makes it happen. These tricks are usually jaw-dropping and leave onlookers wondering how on earth the skater pulled it off. Some of the most famous impossible tricks include the 900° spin and the frontside 540° spin. Skaters who can nail these tricks are considered to be true masters of their craft.

What is the ugliest skateboard trick?

While there are many different opinions on what the ugliest skateboard trick is, there are a few that stand out. One of the most commonly cited tricks is the nollie big spin, which involves spinning the board 360 degrees while in mid-air. Another unpopular move is the fakie flip, where the skater flips the board backwards and lands back on it in fakie (backwards) stance.

These tricks are considered ugly for a variety of reasons. The nollie big spin often looks sloppy and uncontrolled, while the fakie flip can be difficult to control and often ends up with the skater eating dirt. However, some skaters enjoy performing these tricks because they're challenging and look impressive when done well.

So, what is the ugliest skateboard trick? It's probably a matter of opinion, but the nollie big spin and fakie flip are two of the most commonly cited moves. Whatever your opinion, make sure you stay safe and have fun skating.

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Other factors to consider

The hardest skateboard tricks can be pretty gnarly. However, they are also worth it. There are so many more terms and important details we couldn’t possibly put in this article, but below are a ton of great things to research, if you’re even more interested.

  • heelflips

  • Tony Hawk

  • hardflips

  • Tre flips

  • Rodney Mullen

  • easiest skate tricks

  • shove-its

  • X Games

  • freestyle

  • grip tape

  • shuvits

  • varial heelflips

  • vert tricks

  • Chris Cole

  • gazelle flips

  • first time skater tricks

  • boardslides

  • hardest flatground tricks

  • backside tailslides

  • hospital flips

Before your next trip to the skatepark, be sure to study tutorials on new tricks (full videos with tricks tips are the best). And don’t be afraid to bail or eat it - it happens to the best of us. If you need a new board, Amazon alone has a ton of great options.

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